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INDURA Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes métropole de Lyon

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RILEM Cluster F annual meeting
ENTPE, November 8th-9th 2023

The research team on pavement materials and structures from the Laboratory of Tribology and Systems Dynamics (LTDS, UMR CNRS 5513) of ENTPE organizes the annual meeting of Cluster F of the international society RILEM ("International Meeting of Laboratories and Experts in Materials, construction systems, and works"), focusing on bituminous materials and polymers, from November 8th and 9th, 2023.
This event allows the international scientific community involved in RILEM to review the progress of scientific and technical work coordinated by the technical committees of Cluster F. The research topics cover a very broad spectrum of cutting-edge themes in the field of transport infrastructure pavements. It is essential to emphasize that the vast majority of research and development work in this field (both from the industrial side and in academia) is undertaken with a view to assessing and reducing the environmental impact of the design, construction, operation, maintenance, and demolition of infrastructures.

All TCs of Cluster F will meet:
278-CHA: Crack-Healing of Asphalt Pavement Materials
280-CBE: Multiphase characterisation of cold bitumen emulsion materials
295-FBB: Fingerprinting bituminous binders using physico-chemical analysis
307-PPB: Physicochemical effects of polymers in bitumen
308-PAR: Performance-based Asphalt Recycling
FEE: Fume Emissions Evaluation for Asphalt Materials

The meeting is open to experts from both the academic world, project ownership, and companies of all sizes (from small companies to large groups). The event is supported by the INDURA cluster ("Sustainable Infrastructures in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes"), Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Region and Lyon Greater Area.

The event will be an excellent opportunity for economic and technical players who wish to support them to showcase their research and innovation capabilities to an international scientific and technical audience. In this regard, an exhibition will be organized to highlight the activities and research and innovation capabilities of companies that wish to associate and support the event.

Registration for the RILEM Cluster F meeting is mandatory and available at this link.



Workshop - Closing of “Pavement Service Life” project
ENTPE - November 7th 2023

Work on the National Project “Pavement Service Life” (PN DVDC) is drawing to a close. It provides answers to the question of pavement distresses mechanisms at the structural and material scales, as well as their diagnosis at the network level.

The partners of the PN DVDC invite you to take part in a one-day event to present the main results and conclusions of the project. The results and conclusions of the ANR MoveDVDC project, concerning the residual life of pavements, will also be presented.

The international workshop on the national "Pavement service life" project is an excellent opportunity to share the knowledge on sustainable and innovative pavements and foster fruitful relations between industry and academia around cutting-edge solutions for road infrastructures.

Registration for the workshop is mandatory and available at this link.


For any request or further information, please do not hesitate to contact
Salvatore Mangiafico: salvatore.mangiafico@entpe.fr
Cédric Sauzéat : cedric.sauzeat@entpe.fr

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